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Throughout the world, the Japanese sword is renowned for its flawless, unparalleled artistic piece of masterwork made from steel. In Japan, the sword has ever been one of its most important cultural assets, even now.

In contrast to life and death, the basic principles for the Japanese sword were the following characteristics (mainly for military use): “It shouldn’t break E “nor bend Eand “must cut well E At first, these functionalities were preferred over ‘beauty Eand ‘refinement E and were strictly maintained. Later, during the further development of the Japanese sword,  Epirituality Eand achieving an unmatched refined beauty became more and more important in trying to create “the ultimate piece of art E

For Japanese people the Japanese sword was not only seen as a mere weapon from ancient times, but also as an important symbolic work of art. However, around the world many people may see the Japanese sword more as a work of art or symbol of spiritualism, rather than an object which was succeeded and carefully handed down from ancestor to ancestor as an important heirloom or “Soul of the Samurai warrior E We would also like people to know about every other aspect of the sword, so that the beauty and dignity which lies concealed within can and will be seen as well.

Our customers should know that our online Japanese sword shop has been set up, in order to let them obtain, and familiarize themselves with Japanese swords and accessories.

That’s why we made it primary mission to catch other people’s interest and have them experience, but above all, enjoy the same feeling of beauty and exquisiteness Japanese swords (still) possess.

In order for you to obtain such a delicate, precious and beautiful Japanese sword, we have carefully selected them and set up an affordable price system, so we can offer you best  Ealue for money Edeals. Our customer is our top priority; therefore we aim for a 100% customer satisfaction!

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